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But NOT SURE what testing should be done


HOW TO CONFIRM the Reliability of the results
received from the


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about the testing technique



Do you know if the right company doesn't carry out your NDT or Destructive Testing then

  • The Mechanical component that you manufactured may get failed at a later stage and then
    your entire batch of product may have to be remade.
  • You may miss out the Defects during NDT and then a failure could occur in your Process
    Plant which could Lead to Production Losses in Millions of Dollars.
  • You may have to take shutdown to carry out Inspection while you could have done the
    job entirely Online in running condition.

How at IRC we can help you save Time and Costs of Shutdowns

  • We have internal Software capabilities through which all jobs are pre-planned and the data thats required to be collected is recorded before itself, thus data collection and reporting is done everyday rather than waiting till the end date of the shutdown
  • Our Advanced NDT Inspection capabilities combined with the Process Knowledge of the Plant we can provide the right Technique to be used for the job and then can even analyse and give a detailed report if the component is required to be Run , Repaired or Replaced.
  • Our Capabilities of Rope Access, Long Range Ultrasonic Testing, Pulsed Eddycurrent , Eddycurrent Array can screen the Pipe or Vessel Online without taking any shutdown.

IRC has 25 Years of Experience in

Non Destructive Testing Service Provider

List of Non-Destructive Testing Services and Destructive Testing Services provided by IRC Engineering

Residual Life Assessment Services for Boiler, Piping, Turbine , Generator We have saved our clients from unplanned shutdowns in 1350 Boilers, 100 Turbine, 50 Generators, 100 Piping cases
Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing Services We have done PAUT Inspection of 80,000 Tubes and 1 Lakh Meters thus further saving unplanned shutdown as well as maintaining the quality during the fabrication stage
NDT Services We have done 350 Projects and 789 shutdowns thus maintaining the quality during fabrication as well as during shutdowns
Fitness For Service Of Pressure Vessel/Piping Assessments have been done for 1300 vessels and 20000 km of Pipeline thus helping our clients in identifying the defects and the future course of action
Eddycurrent Testing/ IRIS Testing Inspected more than 1 Lakh tubes till date thus saving hazardous leakage as well as saving plant shutdown
Long Range Ultrasonic Testing Inspected 80,000 km of pipeline
Pulsed Eddycurrent Testing Inspected 1100 Vessels and various Pipe locations
Radiography / Computed Radiography Testing We have done Radiography of more that 80 Lakhs Inch DIa and thus have helped our clients in achieving the desired quality
Mechanical and Chemical Testing service We have inspected more than 3 Lakh samples
Rope Access Services Our team has been on ropes for 80000 hours for carrying out NDT, Painting, Blasting , Welding and Insulation jobs
Third Party Inspection We have helped 175 clients in procuring quality material from there vendors through our inspections
Pressure Vessel Inspection as per SMPV Rules We have inspected 1215 Pressure Vessels in the past 10 years and have found various defects thus saved millions of dollars for our clients.
Failure Investigation We have done Failure Investigations investigations of 800 samples comprising samples of Boiler and Oil & Gas Sector

List Of Services

1350 Boilers
100 Turbines
50 Generators
Residual Life Assessment

50,000 Tubes
PAUT of Boiler Tubes
Inspected in a year

300 Projects and
3010 shutdowns
NDT Services

1000 Tanks
1500 KM Pipeline
Fitness for Service Assessment

8 Machines
Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing/Time
of Flight Diffraction Inspection service

Lakh of Samples
Tensile Testing/ Impact Testing/
Spectro Testing

14,600 hours on Rope
IRATA Rope Access Services

700 Samples
Failure Investigation

3 Machines
Pulsed Eddycurrent Testing

2 Machines
Long Range Ultrasonic Testing

3 Machines
Helium Leak Detrection

What Our Clients Have To Say

Address: 612, Chiranjiv Tower, 42, Nehru Place, New Delhi 110019